Davidoff Dominicana Short Robusto is a full-bodied cigar with an Ecuadorian wrapper, Ecuadorian binder, and aged Yamasa Visus filler tobacco. This cigar represents Davidoff’s latest blend, drawing inspiration from the captivating culture and vibrant people of the Dominican Republic. Each draw from this cigar is like a reminder of the Dominican Republic’s grandeur and charisma. The aroma itself is mesmerizing, similar to the vivacity of a carnival. It’s an experience that carries you to the heart of the Dominican Republic.
Davidoff Cigars, with a legacy spanning centuries, places an emphasis on quality. Their tobacco plants thrive under the ideal conditions of the Dominican Republic – a climate characterized by an average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius, fertile soil, and a balance of sunshine and rain. Only the highest quality tobacco leaves, with a meticulous selection process of one in every ten plant seeds, meet the exacting standards of Davidoff cigars. For cigar connoisseurs and enthusiasts of the brand, the Davidoff Dominicana Short Robusto is a must-try. It promises an unmatched journey through the vibrant essence of the Dominican Republic. Don’t miss the chance to savor the richness and depth of these well-crafted cigars, available at Cigar Country.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Dominicana Short Robusto features Yamasa Visus filler tobacco alongside an Ecuadorian binder and wrapper from the 2014 harvest.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “A truly vibrant cigar filled with oak wood and dried fruit notes balanced against spices and black pepper.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Dominicana Short Robusto cigars a 90-point rating.
More Details
- BLEND-Davidoff Dominicana
- FILLER-Dominican Republic
- BINDER-Ecuador
- ORIGIN/COUNTRY-Dominican Republic
- SIZE-Robusto
- FLAVORED-Natural
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