The Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 Toro is a medium-bodied cigar that pays tribute to the iconic British statesman and Prime Minister. It is the sole cigar blend bearing his name and likeness, making it a truly unique creation. This special edition cigar retains the essence of the original blend, featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. However, it distinguishes itself through the use of a Dominican Hybrid 257 Seco binder and a blend of Dominican Piloto Ligero, Hybrid 20-20 Seco, San Vicente Mejorado Ligero, and San Vicente Visus fillers, setting it apart as a truly exceptional creation.
A smoking experience with this cigar is marked by an earthy profile and a remarkable aroma. The air is filled with fragrant notes of flowers and herbs with each puff, creating an ambiance fit for royalty. The palate is graced with a delightful interplay of licorice and woody flavors, presenting an exquisite fusion of taste. Embrace the spirit of British royalty as you indulge in the Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition LE 2021 Toro, designed for a cigar aficionado who appreciates the finer things in life. This superb cigar is available for your enjoyment at Cigar Country, allowing you to experience a touch of luxury fit for a king or queen.
Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition LE 2021 Toro is the only limited edition cigar line carrying the Prime Minister’s name and silhouette.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “An is an elegant smoke to match the name. The floral scents are amazing, and the earthy tones match perfectly. Undoubtedly a great cigar.”
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Winston Churchill Limited Edition 2021 Toro with an 87-point rating.
More Details
- BLEND-Davidoff Winston Churchill
- FILLER-Dominican Republic
- BINDER-Dominican Republic
- WRAPPER TYPE-Ecuador, Habano
- ORIGIN/COUNTRY-Dominican Republic
- SIZE-Toro
- FLAVORED-Natural
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