Original price was: $285.00.Current price is: $275.00.

Box of 25

44 x 6 5/8


Montecristo No. 1 is a Lonsdale-sized handmade cigar that proudly features one of the world’s most renowned blends. Known as Montecristo Original premium cigars, or sometimes referred to as the Yellow Label, this collection presents the legendary Montecristo Cuban Cigars in a smooth Dominican “exile” series that stands as a worthy rival to its Cuban counterparts. Each cigar in this line exhibits impeccable construction, boasting a silky, golden Connecticut wrapper that not only burns beautifully but also envelops you in a marvelously smooth aroma. The creamy finish is a hallmark of these exceptional cigars, which are filled with aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos, offering a mild to medium strength profile.

Montecristo was founded in Cuba in 1935 by Alonso Menendez and Pepe Garcia. Despite the many changes in the cigar industry, this world-renowned brand remained true to its roots and continued producing some of the finest handmade cigars. These cigars are meticulously handcrafted at the prestigious Tabacalera de García cigar factory in La Romana, Dominican Republic. The blend is crafted by the legendary Grupo de Maestros, responsible for crafting other world-renowned brands like Romeo y Julieta, H. Upmann, and VegaFina. Montecristo No. 1 cigars are true masterpieces, perfect for cigar enthusiasts of all experience levels. So, if you’re in the mood to sit back, relax, and savor a superior hand-rolled cigar, it’s time to get your Montecristo No. 1 from Cigar Country, where you’ll find the best prices online.


Remarkable product attributes: These cigars are draped in a silky, golden-brown Connecticut wrapper that contains a complex combination of Dominican-aged tobaccos with savory flavors and a delightfully creamy polish.

Master Blender Tasting Notes: “Characterized by the flavor of slow-burning roasted almond and sweet coconut accents.”

More Details

  • BLEND-Montecristo Original – Yellow
  • FILLER-Dominican Republic
  • BINDER-Dominican Republic
  • WRAPPER TYPE-Connecticut
  • ORIGIN/COUNTRY-Dominican Republic
  • SIZE-Lonsdale
  • FLAVORED-Natural
  • STRENGTH-Medium