The Padron Cigars 1926 Serie Natural No 48 Robusto cigar is crafted in honor of Jose O Padron’s 75th birthday. These full-bodied, box-pressed cigars feature a Natural Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, resulting in a rich and well-rounded smoking experience. Each cigar is meticulously hand-rolled in Nicaragua, incorporating tobacco leaves that have been perfectly aged for a period of five years. This imparts a depth of character and complexity that aficionados savor with every draw. Shop now for a box!
To safeguard the authenticity of these exceptional cigars, a double band with an individually numbered guarantee label is applied on each one, reinforcing the Padron family’s dedication to delivering only the finest products. With many vitolas available, ranging in size and shape, the Padron 1926 Series has a stick for every smoker. The Padron Cigars 1926 Serie Natural No 48 Robusto cigars are true masterpieces, a tribute to tradition and innovation. Since their release in 2002, these cigars have been a classic. Buy a box today, from Best Leafs Cigars!
Remarkable Product Attributes: The tobacco used in Padron 1926 Serie cigars is aged for 5 years.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: “The first puff tastes of dark chocolate and earthy spices balanced against nutty flavors.”
Accolades: Halfwheel awarded Padron 1926 Series No. 48 76-point ratings.
More Details
- BLEND-Padron 1926 Series
- FILLER-Nicaragua
- BINDER-Nicaragua
- WRAPPER TYPE-Nicaragua
- SIZE-Robusto
- FLAVORED-Natural
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